Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Last Friday I made some Asian hotdog bread before Gary came home from work. It was my second attempt since I didn't know how to awaken the yeast the first time (yeah...VERY amateur.) I didn't knead the dough very well (not enough flour on the surface) so it was still super sticky after the first rise. Nonetheless, these little guys turned out quite okay.

I chose Challah for the bread part because of its eggy flavor. Gary had two right away and that made me happy more than anything else. :)

Saturday evening after we dropped Z off at grandparents, Connie, Kyun, and us went to see Dreamgirls at the Paramount theatre. We grabbed a quick dinner at M.O.D pizza on 6th & University in downtown Seattle. We each had our own - you get to pick however many toppings you want for just $5.88 a pizza!

We were satisfied.

Dreamgirls was amazing. So much fun to watch probably because I know most of the songs already. The whole time I couldn't help but comparing every actor/actress to those in the movie. I still can't decide which one I like more..but the broadway people were just amazing. Hei ren know how to sing!

Zoey is almost 3.5 months old now! She's growing faster than I want her to (literally and cognitively.) I almost cried at two of her recent breakthrough moments - one is when she finally discovered how to lift her head up during daily tummy time; the other is when she laughed out loud, with her biggest grin ever.

Wearing the cute summer dress Connie gu gu made (though you can see that it's a little tight around her belly already :P)


connie said...

the hot dog stuff looked like it was straight from the bakery - so professional. i've been singing dreamgirls songs in my head randomly all week! :) i love how smiley and drooly zoey is in the last pic :)

Daniel Tseng said...

carseat picture is SO cute.

sunsfromsanfrancisco said...

Aww man! You guys have so much fun! Too bad we don't live closer. Someday you'll ahve to leave Z with Grandparents and come see us! We'll take you for $1/slice pizza. :)