Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The sun seems to hang around a lot longer in Seattle this summer, hence a sunshine September :) Lucky us!

We spent the labor day weekend down in San Diego. The weather was 80 degrees every day we were there!
Palm trees, beaches and my belly :)

My first Seahawks game @ Qwest field. There were 67,200 people cheering with you throughout the whole game.
My face: the 12th man.
Gary's face: Go Hawks!

My parents and sister are currently in town visiting me for a month. It's a bit stressful as I want to show them my daily stomping grounds but at the same time squeeze in some Seattle's must-sees. It's been a lot of funs and laughs..I'm just happy to be their first destination after they retired this year :)

@ Than Brothers. Trying pho for the first time.

A nice evening @ Gas Works Park.

L.O.V.E. :)